My Work (Retired)

I’m grateful to the many litigators and their talented teams for the decades we worked together. Best wishes to all.

 minds i media is David Angotti…

Information Architect, Demonstrative Evidence Consultant, Trial Exhibit Studio

an information design specialist with over 30 years of experience
preparing demonstrative evidence for clients across the nation.

Information graphics for:
summary judgment motions, settlement conferences, depositions,
arbitrations and mediations, hearings, mock trials…

Understanding is a Path, Not a Point

Effective visual communication must be strong in concept and design

The Facts

  • Tell your story visually. It’s the most effective way to communicate.

  • Deliver the most information, in the least amount of time, with the highest retention.

  • Your audience are more likely to agree with your arguments and act on your recommendations.

  • You will be perceived as more professional, persuasive, credible, interesting and better prepared.

The Courts and Juries

  • The rules of evidence allow us the freedom to package tedious information into concise, visual formats, which are far more agreeable to a judge or jury.

  • The principle adversary for any trial lawyer is not so much opposing counsel as boredom on the part of the fact finder. Telling a story visually is the most effective way to communicate.

Our Process - Your Information

  • Organize and visualize your essential points

  • Assemble your data into a story of easily understood, persuasive information.

  • Clarify, not just simplify your information

  • Repeat the information in a way that is redundant but fresh


Layman’s / Juror’s Perspective

One of the most valuable things an information designer may offer is not expertise or creativity, but ignorance and curiousity.
You may be so familiar with the details of your information that you may have forgotten what it is like to not have the knowledge you worked so long to obtain.
You may need reminding as to what building blocks of information are required to gain an understanding.